
Felix Bittmann, Botanist (Palynology, Macro remains, Charcoal)

Current Position:
Executive Director, Head of the Department of Natural sciences

Lower Saxony Institute for Historical Coastal Research, Wilhelmshaven

Research interests:
Pollen analysis, archaeobotany, charcoal, Pleistocene, Holocene, environmental reconstruction

Research within CCEHN:
Identification of botanical macro remains (seeds, fruits, wood, charcoal) contributing to and supporting the projects I Palaeoclimate and palaeoenvironment of early humans and Neanderthals especially Landscape and environmental development during the Middle and Late Pleistocene, and II Archaeology of early humans and Neanderthals in the north and its sub-projects Early humans and Neanderthals in interglacial context and Early humans and Neanderthals in glacial context

Charcoal record of the Einhornhöhle

Tilman Böckenförde, Archaeologist

Current Position:
Research Assistent, PhD Student

Seminar für Ur- und Frühgeschichte, Georgs-August Universität Göttingen

Research interests:
Stone artifacts, Lower Paleolithic, relation and adaptation of humans to paleoenvironment, raw material economy, mobility strategies, interested in archaeobotany

Research within CCEHN:
PhD Thesis: Paleoecology and human occupation of northern central Europe and adjacent areas between 50 to 12 ka B.C. (working title)

  • Fieldwork at Friedrichsdorf-Seulberg
  • Fieldwork at rock shelter sites Reinhäuser Forest (planned)
  • Correlation of palaeoecological and archaeological data to quantify the influence of changing environmental conditions on Late Neanderthal and Upper Paleolithic humans.

Katharina Dulias, Biologist

Current Position:

Institut für Geosysteme und Bioindikation, TU Braunschweig

Research interests:
Human evolution, population genetics, human-environment interactions: specifically, how
humans are shaping their environments, environmental reconstructions using sedaDNA, biodiversity and adaptability of organisms to environmental changes further: interested in DNA taphonomy and sedimentology; R and python programming

Research within CCEHN:

  • DNA taphonomy in a burial site (Groß Fredenwalde)
  • Cooperation with project partners at coring sites to look at interesting periods and provide genetic data
  • Analysis of sediment samples from Einhornhöhle provided by Susanne Hummel

Deepak-Kumar Chinnaswamy

Current Position:

Institut für Geosysteme und Bioindikation, TU Braunschweig

Research interests:
I am interested in understanding Pelioclimate dynamics specifically using climate model outputs. Specifically focusing on large-scale atmosphere and ocean dynamics. Currently, my interests are understanding abrupt events and teleconnections in the past. I have also worked on the current climate and climate change.

Research within CCEHN:
“Climate of last glacial cycle and Heinrich Events.”

  • A broader view of European climate during the last glacial cycle.
  • Special focuses on Heinrich events.
  • To quantify the climate of Europe during the end of Neanderthals.

Gianpiero Di Maida, Archaeologist

Current Position:
PostDoc and scientific coordinator

NLD, Hannover

Research interests:
Art and symbolism, behavioral modernity, Neanderthals and Middle Palaeolithic archaeology, lithic studies, theories in archaeology, digital methods of recording and documentation, Lateglacial archaeology, island archaeology and first peopling of the Mediterranean

Research within CCEHN:
Neanderthals north of the 49° parallel

  • Review of the site of Lehringen (Verden, Lower Saxony), specifically regarding the human impact on the faunal remains (with Ivo Vereijen)
  • Technological analysis of the lithic artefacts, re-evaluation, dating of the Ochtmissen site (Lüneburg, Lower Saxony)
  • State-of-the-art-overview of the Early Middle Palaeolithic, Eemian and Late Palaeolithic of the Northern European area

Tobias Lauer, Laboratory head (Optical dating / sediment analyses)

Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, Terrestrial Sedimentology, Department of Geosciences
Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät
Universität Tübingen
Schnarrenbergstr. 94-96
72076 Tübingen

Research interests: Geochronology (Trapped charge dating); Geomorphology; Quaternary Sciences; Palaeoenvironmental research

Research within CCEHN:
Geochronology project (luminescence dating)


Antje Schwalb, Geologist

Current Position:
Professor for Geosystems and General Geology

Technische Universität Braunschweig

Research interests:
– Relationship between landscape, climate and humans
– Identify climate patterns, extremes as well as rapid events and their effects on aquatic ecosystems using abiotic and biotic proxies from lake and estuarine sediments
– Assess human impact using lake sediments
– Focus on climate sensitive areas in the Americas, Central Europe, Tibet Plateau, Near East, Arabia, northern Africa

Research within CCEHN:
– Expression of mid- to late Pleistocene climate change in Northern Germany archived in sediments and aquatic bioindicators
– Relationship between climate and presence/absence of Neanderthals in Northern Germany

Photo credit: Hoffotografen

Martin Theuerkauf

Current Position and affiliation:
Research assiciate/PostDoc (50%) at Leuphana University Lüneburg, Institute of Ecology

Research interests:
Palynology, Vegetation history

Research within CCEHN:
Developing quantitative approaches to reconstruct glacial and interglacial vegetetation

Marcel Weiß, Archeologist

Current Position: 
Assistant Professor

Institut für Ur- und Frühgeschichte, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg

Research interests: 
Human evolution, Neanderthals, stone artefacts, digital artefact analysis, Lower Paleolithic, Middle Paleolithic, Middle- to Upper Paleolithic transition, presence/ absence of humans in Central Europe and population dynamics, relation and adaptation of humans to paleoenvironment; further: interested in sedimentology, geomorphology, site-formation processes, dating methods, and use-wear analysis; R-programming and open science 

Research within CCEHN:
“Archaeology of the Lowlands”

  • fieldwork in Lichtenberg and the surrounding area
  • fieldwork in Salzgitter-Lebenstedt
  • fieldwork in Drelsdorf (Schleswig-Holstein)
  • artefact analysis (Lichtenberg, Ochtmissen)
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